P06_I3200-A1 Printhead_S01_2

I3200-A1 Printhead

The print head prints out cleaner and smoother color blocks, bringing high saturation and brilliant color performance, suitable for business that needs high standard resolution on the graphics.


Ink Types: water-based ink
Max color/head: 4 farver (600dpi)
Nozzle Numbers: 3200
Dimension: 69.1 x 59.5 x 36.7 mm


State-of-the-art printer bygget med avanceret teknologi for at tilbyde høj præcision, hastighed, og stabilitet til din virksomheds succes.

Support for Grey Scale

Epson's unique Variable Sized Droplet Technology(VSDT) delivers smooth gradation by free controlling to eject the droplet volume.

High Resolution

With up to 1200 nozzles per inch, the printhead has a higher nozzle resolution and high-definition images in a compact size.

8 Ink Supply Channel

By arranging the same colors in the vicinity, the accuracy of placement and the possibilities of color configuration is improved.

print head

Efficient for Single Pass

Single-pass printing with Precisioncore tech for various applications is available for higher speed and accuracy.

PrecisionCore Technology with High durability

MEMS manufacturing and thin film piezo elements can realize high precision and high density. Contributes to compact, high speed, high quality, and high image quality. Precision made of Epson unique MEMS nozzles and an ink flow path ensure the perfectly round ink droplets are placed accurately and consistently. PrecisionCore print head has proven high durability and extended service life by Epson’s industrial printers

Teknisk parameter for printer

Blæktype Apueous
Maks. antal farveblæk 8 farver
Antal dyse 3200
Dysestigning/dyserække 1/300 tommer
Dyserækker 8 rækker
Dyse opløsning 300npi/række 600npi/2 rækker 1200npi/4 rækker
Effektiv udskriftsbredde 33.8 mm (1.33 tommer)
Dimensioner(LxBxH) 69.1 x 59.5 x 36.7 mm
Vægt 78g

Begynd at udskrive uden problemer

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Gratis demo & Prøve

To show the quality and capability of our printer in satisfying your needs, we will send you a free video demonstration showing its operation. And you can get free samples for consumables.

Gratis demo & Prøve

To show the quality and capability of our printer in satisfying your needs, we will send you a free video demonstration showing its operation. And you can get free samples for consumables.

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Hurtig levering

For at imødekomme alles ordre hurtigt, vi har etableret et oversøisk lager i Californien, USA. Dette sparer ikke kun tid og kræfter, men reducerer også transportgebyrer. Lagervarer kan leveres indenfor 7 dage.

Onboarding nemt

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Onboarding nemt

Der er truffet passende foranstaltninger til installation og reparationer. Vi tilbyder både online og dør-til-dør-tjenester rundt om i verden og leverer også manualer og videoinstruktioner som ekstra vejledninger.


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Du kan nyde livstidsgaranti på alle produkter, der bruger vores mærkeblæk, som garanterer gratis reservedele & reparationer, softwareopdateringer, og teknisk assistance 24/7.
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