DTF filmi

PET film with semi-transparent features is resistant to high temperatures for transfer on various colors or types of textiles. As an advanced DTF film manufacturer, Xin Flying provides best DTF films that are easy to peel off while remaining a complete graphic. As for width and length, bespoke options are accessible for your business plan.



DTF yechimi


DTF filmi

DTF PET filmi

PET Film

Various sizes of roll format heat transfer sheets from the DTF film manufacturer is suitable for all kinds of textile and is compatible with both hot-peel and cold peel depending on your DTF printer temperature.


Width35cm / 60cm / 120cm
Miqdori:100 / Roll

Different Types of PET film

As a PET film supplier, Xinflying specializes in manufacturing pet protective film to meet the different needs of the market. All films we provide is characterized by good release, non-stick powder, and high color restoration.

Glow in Dark Film

Color: Pale Green
Feature: Fluorescent film can absorb light for eye-catching displays in dark environment and is perfect for small letter label.

Copper Film

Color: Sariq
Feature: Copper film is perfect for small letter label.

Gold Film

Color: Gold
Feature: Gold film with luxurious gold hue and premium aesthetic is perfect for small letter label.

Silver Film

Feature: Sleek metallic finish enhances visual appeal and silver film is perfect for small letter label.

Chameleon Film

Color:Light Gray
Feature: Chameleon film is suitable for novelty items and small letters, as it has color-changing effects and dynamic visual impact.

Glitter Film

Color: Silver Gray
Feature: Glitter particles add sparkle and glamour to surface and is perfect for small letter label.

Hot Tear-double Side

Feature: Double side can continuously print without deviation, and you can tear the film after pressing 2-3 second.
DTF printer for shirts

Hot Tear-single Side

Feature: Hot peel with single side can be torn after pressing 2-3 second.

Cold Tear-double Side

Feature: Cold film with double side can continuously print without deviation, but you have to wait a little longer before peeling.

Single Side B Film

Feature: Single side with one coating also can print fluently, but you have to wait a little longer before peeling.

Asosiy xususiyatlar

Compatible consumables can assist in the precision, tezlik, and stability for your printers in maximums.

High Durability

Made of new Nano materials, the film is washable, scratch-resistant, and soft without cracking. Bundan tashqari, its long-lasting color can prevent from sepia.

Non-stick Powder

The film with a special layer is smooth without sticky outside the graphics and heat-transferring powder to texile evenly .

Bright color

With clear layers, the film can carry ink and retain bright and vibrant color for transferring to substrates.

Eco-friendly Materials

Maintain a exclusive performance while meet the international environmental protection requirements.

Specification in Details

Color Transparent
Width 30cm/50cm/60cm/120cm
Length 50m/100m
Harorat 150-160
lron time 10-15s
Bosim 4-5kg
Net Film type Cold peel or hot peel
DTF Printer Application

Wide Application for PET Film

The full-color graphics can be applied easily on DTF film, which can run your business to its full potential across different kinds of fabrics, such as nylon, paxta, kimyoviy tola, teri, denim, va boshqalar.

How do We Grow Your Business?

In-stock DTF Machine For Your Printing Business

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Qiyinchiliksiz chop etishni boshlang

Sizning biznesingizni yo'lga qo'yishga yordam berish uchun sotishdan oldin sotishdan so'nggacha keng qamrovli xizmat.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.
DTF printer

DTF Transfer nima?

DTF transfer is a printing method that involves transferring a design printed on a transfer film onto a substrate using heat and pressure. The design is printed on the film using a DTF printer and DTF ink. Heat and pressure are then applied to transfer the ink from the film to the substrate, creating vibrant and durable prints.

What is DTF Transfer Film?

DTF transfer film, also known as Direct to Film transfer film, is a specialized printing material used for transferring designs onto various surfaces, including fabrics, keramika, and plastics.

How to Use DTF Transfer Paper?

Following the step-by-step guide on how to use dtf transfer film.

1. Design and print the desired design on DTF transfer paper using a DTF printer and ink.
2. Preheat and prepare your heat press machine.
3. Position the printed transfer paper onto the substrate.

4. Apply heat and pressure using the heat press machine for the recommended time and temperature.

5. Peel off the transfer paper while it’s still warm.

6. Let the printed substrate cool down completely before handling.
DTF transfer paper

Narx so'rash

    *Biz sizning maxfiyligingizni hurmat qilamiz va barcha ma'lumotlar himoyalangan.