DTF printer

As a DTF printer manufacturer, Xin Flying provides DTF transfer printers with diverse productivity levels and printing widths that are capable of meeting the unique needs of your business. All of them are engineered to offer a combination of reliable operation, ajoyib sifat, and quick print output to help achieve your business success.

Diverse Printing Width for Business Goals

Whether you are an individual for a startup business or a mega enterprise, Xin Flying as a DTF printer supplier from China gets you covered at an affordable price. Both DTF printers or DTF powder shaker machines can be also split up for sale.

A3/A2 DTF Printer for Small Business & Startup

Xinflying offers the affordable A2 and A3 size DTF printers, perfect for small businesses and startups with growing production needs. Equipped with heat press machine, these printers ensure top-notch prints with remarkable precision and efficiency. Bundan tashqari, these versatile DTF printers are compatible with DTF powder shaker machines, allowing small businesses and startups to diversify their product offerings and effectively scale their operations.

XF-450pro 2 Hammasi bitta A2 DTF printerida

  • Hosildorlik: O'tish: 10m²/h 6Pass: 8m²/h 8Pass: 6m²/soat
  • Chop etish kengligi: 16''
  • Chop etish kallasi: 2Pcs Epson i1600-A1/F1080-A1/XP600/i3200-A1
    Hajmi: L1140 * W1085 * H1028 mm
  • Hosildorlik: 8O'tish: 1.2m²/soat
  • Chop etish kengligi: 13”
  • Chop etish kallasi: 1 PCS XP600
  • Hajmi: L790 * 450 * 460 mm

Best Commercial A1 DTF Printer for Large Format Printing

Xinflying provides the latest 24 inch DTF printers for businesses with mass production needs. Equipped with advanced print heads, these printers ensure high-quality prints with exceptional precision and efficiency. The robust design and reliable performance make them ideal for handling large volumes, catering to the demands of commercial textile printing. Qo'shimcha, these wide format dtf printers offer versatile compatibility with various fabrics, enabling businesses to expand their product range and enhance production capabilities.

C605+H6502 5 Bosh 24'' I3200 DTF printeri

Chop etish kengligi
6O'tish: 36m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
5PCS I3200-A1
L1670 * W815 * H1600 mm

L605+H6502 5 Bosh 24'' I3200 DTF printeri

Chop etish kengligi
6O'tish: 28m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
5PCS I3200-A1
L1670 * W815 * H1600 mm

C602+H650 24 Dyuymli I3200-A1 DTF printeri

Chop etish kengligi
4O'tish:12m²/h 6Pass:10m²/h 8Pass:8m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
2PCS I3200-A1

C602+C650H 24 dyuym 2 DTF printer boshlari

Chop etish kengligi
4O'tish:12m²/h 6Pass:10m²/h 8Pass:8m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
2PCS 13200-A1

C604+H6501 24 dyuymli DTF printer

Chop etish kengligi
4O'tish: 24m²/h 6Pass:16m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
4PCS 13200-A1
L1670 * W815 * H1600 mm

E602+H650 24 dyuym 2 A1 DTF printer boshlari

Chop etish kengligi
12㎡/soat (4 O'tish)
Chop etish kallasi
2* Epson I3200-A1 (Ixtiyoriy 4720)
1660 x 750 x 1620 mm

L1208+H1300 48 Dyuymli I3200-A1 DTF printeri

Chop etish kengligi
4O'tish:74m²/h 6Pass: 48m²/soat
Chop etish kallasi
8PCS Epson 13200-A1
L2860 * W915 * H1890 mm

A0/120cm Professional DTF Printer with Superior Printing Performance

Xinflying’s large format DTF printer machine is designed for businesses that demand the best in print quality, tezlik, and reliability. Up to 48 inch print format, whether you’re printing custom apparel, promotional materials, or large-format designs, this printer provides the professional solution you need to stay ahead in a competitive market.

How to Choose Suitable DTF Printer for Your Business?

Selecting the appropriate DTF printer depends on specific production needs, byudjet, and expected production scale

2 DTF printer boshlari

Suitable for small to medium-sized enterprises, offering a high cost-performance ratio and ease of operation, ideal for moderate production needs.

4 DTF printer boshlari

Suitable for medium-sized enterprises, capable of providing higher production efficiency and excellent print quality, suitable for diverse production requirements.

5 DTF printer boshlari

Suitable for medium to large enterprises, offering higher production efficiency and superior print quality, ideal for high-demand production tasks.

8 DTF printer boshlari

Suitable for large enterprises and factories, providing the highest production efficiency and best print quality, ideal for large-scale and high-end market production needs.

Latest Technology for Efficient Printing

Xinflying‘s DTF printers equipped with advanced technology and innovative systems that allow your DTF printing business to work easily and smoothly.

Oq siyoh aylanishi

For white ink with a higher density than normal color ink, to guarantee constant ink supply, Xin Flying's DTF printer is equipped with a latest system that allows white ink to be properly stirred and circulated to away from precipitation and clogging.

Air-absorbing printing platform

The pressure generated by the intake of air keeps the print film in close contact with the print platform at all times. Tests have shown us that this design improves the accuracy of the printer.

Ink pumps

One thing we all know is that white ink left for a long time will settle and then cause the print head to clog. To solve this problem we have equipped the printer with an ink pump. This is used to agitate the white ink and clean the print head at regular intervals to prevent damage to the print head caused by the white ink settling. Extending the life of the print head.

Epson print head

Advanced PrecisionCore Tech

Features a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) manufacturing and thin-film piezo element that can deliver precise and consistent positioning of round ink droplets. This contributes to the compactness, tezlik, and high image quality of prints.

DTF Printer Application

What Can You Make With DTF Printing?

The full-color graphics can be applied on a variety of clothing, which can run your DTF business to its full potential across different kinds of fabrics, such as nylon, paxta, kimyoviy tola, teri, denim, va boshqalar.

How do We Grow Your Business?

In-stock DTF Machine For Your Printing Business

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Qiyinchiliksiz chop etishni boshlang

Sizning biznesingizni yo'lga qo'yishga yordam berish uchun sotishdan oldin sotishdan so'nggacha keng qamrovli xizmat.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Difference Between  DTF & DTG Chop etish

Direct to Films Printer

A printing process that involves the transfer of prints onto a fabric or other substrates using a heat-press mechanism. It usually consist of 3 steps: DTF film preparation, print transfer, and curing with powder shaking machine.
DTG printer

Direct to Garments Printer

A printing method that involves the spraying of ink onto a garment, which then soaks into the fibers. As for application, DTG can only work on cotton. The working process is consist of 4 steps: pre-treatment, quritish, chop etish, and curing.

Compatible DTF Consumables

Yaxshiroq ishlash bilan muammosiz ishlashingizga yordam berish uchun, Xin Flying provide compatible consumables all in one stop.

DTF siyoh

Default color CMYK+W can print your design graphics completely with high resolution on PET film. Eco-friendly to use without nozzle blocking .

PET Film

Washable & scratch-resistant film to carry graphics for heat transfer to textile. Various width and length options for you.

Adhesive Powder

The direct to film powder can dry and cure patterns on the PET film without ink smudges. Flexible & elastic with tear-resistance without impurities.

Why DTF Printing is Popular for Textile Printing?

The combination of quality, ko'p qirralilik, and affordability contributes to its popularity for textile printing.

1. DTF printing offers vibrant and durable prints for T-shirts, qalpoqchalar, pants, va boshqalar.

2. It is versatile and compatible with various fabric types.

3. DTF printing allows for intricate designs and detailed graphics.

4. DTF printers are relatively affordable and easy to use.

5. It allows printing on items of various shapes and sizes without concern for the material’s color.

6. DTF printed images are highly resistant to washing and are not prone to fading or peeling.

How does a DTF Printer Work?

DTF printing is a process where designs are printed directly onto a special film, then transferred onto fabric using heat and pressure.
design on the software

Dizayn yaratish

Create or obtain the design to be printed on the computer.

DTF bosib chiqarish

Print on Transfer Film

Print the design onto transfer film using a DTF printer with special DTF ink.

DTF hot melt powder

Apply Powder

Sprinkle a specially-formulated adhesive powder over the inked transfer film.

heat transfer

Issiqlik uzatish

Place the transfer film with adhesive powder on top of the final material to be printed.

peel off the transfer film

Peel off the Film

After heat pressing, carefully peeling off the transfer film to ensure the transferred image remains intact.

Diverse Applications of DTF Printing

DTF printers can print on a wide range of fabrics due to its versatility, shu jumladan futbolkalar, pants. qalpoqchalar, sumkalar, bosh kiyimlar, shoes and so on.

DTF printing on the apparel


DTF printers are perfect for creating custom t-shirts, qalpoqchalar, shoes etc. They allow for high-resolution, full-color printing directly on to fabric, making it possible to create extremely detailed designs.

digital printing on curtain

Uy dekoratsiyasi

DTF printing is used to create personalized cushions, pardalar, dasturxonlar, pillows on a variety of fabrics. This can help in creating unique and personalized home décor.

dtf printing for personalized gifts

Shaxsiylashtirilgan sovg'alar

DTF printing is great for making personalized gifts. One can print high-quality images directly on to items like totes, aprons, hats etc., for a unique and personal present.

Key Advantages of DTF Printer

DTF printing offers vibrant colors, chidamlilik, and versatility, allowing high-quality designs to be transferred onto various fabrics seamlessly.

1. Lower Cost

DTF printing offers lower setup and production costs than traditional screen printing methods.

2. Ko'p qirralilik

DTF printers can print on a wide range of substrates, including textiles, keramika, plastics, and even metal.

3. Chidamlilik

DTF nashrlari xiralashishga qarshi turadi, chipping, or peeling, ensuring long-lasting and vibrant images.

4. Exceptional Quality

DTF printers produce high-quality prints with bright colors, excellent saturation, and sharp details on various substrates, shu jumladan paxta, poliester, va boshqalar.

5. Fast Production

DTF printer is capable of producing high-quality prints quickly, speeding up the production process and allowing businesses to scale up quickly.

6. No Color Limitations​

Unlike traditional printing techniques, DTF printing can produce prints with unlimited colors, making it easier to create complex and highly detailed designs.

FAQs on DTF Printers

1. DTF bosib chiqarish uchun nima kerak?

You need a DTF printer, PET films, DTF siyoh, hot melt adhesive powder va issiqlik pressi.

2. How much is a DTF printer?

The cost of a DTF printer can range from around $3,000 uchun $15,000 or more, depending on the model, print head configuration, and additional features.

3. Which is better, DTF va boshqalar. sublimation?

DTF is better for printing on a wider variety of fabrics, including dark and non-polyester materials, and provides vibrant colors and durable prints. Sublimatsiya is ideal for polyester fabrics and hard surfaces with a special coating, offering excellent color vibrancy and durability but limited to light-colored substrates.

4. Which is better, DTG or DTF?

DTF is often preferred for its versatility in fabric types and ability to print on dark fabrics without pretreatment. DTG bosib chiqarish provides excellent print quality and is great for cotton fabrics but requires pretreatment for dark fabrics and is generally less versatile in terms of material compatibility.

TipsTricks for Achieving the Best DTF Printing

the t-shirt with the colorful print