Inkjet Print Head

To ensure superior printing performance, Xin Flying makes use of Epson printhead which is highly rated and well-fitted for most of the DTF and sublimation printers on the market because of its outstanding qualities, including fast speed, accuracy, va yuqori aniqlik.



Chop etish boshi

Explore Your Compatible Printhead

Compatible for various ink types, such as water-based ink, eco-solvent ink, and UV ink.

I3200-A1 Printhead

Ink Types
Apueous ink
Nozzle Numbers
Max color/head
4 colors (600dpi)
69.1 x 59.5 x 36.7 mm

XP600 Printhead

Ink Types
Water-based/solvent/ UV ink
Nozzle Numbers
Max color/head
6 colors (180dpi)

Adavanced Printing Technology

Latest printing tech allows your business to work smoothly and effortlessly.
print head

Brandnew Works Better

Sourced from a reliable supply chain in Japan, all our printheads are completely new and original. They are different from those in the market with secondhand or locked one as they maintain high performance no matter what they are exposed to.

PrecisionCore Technology

Features high precision and high density with 600 dpi/2 rows of nozzles. This contributes to its compactness, tezlik, and image quality. Also, it comes with unique MEMS nozzles and an ink flow path that ensures the ink droplets are placed accurately.

Support for Grey Scale

Unique Variable Sized Droplet Technology (VSDT) delivers smooth gradation by free control to eject the droplet volume. Bu bilan, different levels of color shades with grey scale can be produced.
print head

Don't know which one is compatible with your printer?

Click to find the difference among Epson printheads, including I3200-A1, 4720, XP600, DX5, and DX7. Or contact our specialist to get a consultation for your needs.

Qiyinchiliksiz chop etishni boshlang

Sizning biznesingizni yo'lga qo'yishga yordam berish uchun sotishdan oldin sotishdan so'nggacha keng qamrovli xizmat.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Why Print Head is Necessary in Textile Printers?

sublimation printer head

1. Precise Ink Placement

The print head plays a crucial role in controlling the accurate placement of ink droplets on the fabric, ensuring precise and consistent alignment of the design or artwork, and enabling the printing of fine details, sharp lines, and vibrant colors.

2. Yuqori sifatli chiqish

The advanced technology incorporated in the print head facilitates the production of high-resolution prints that go beyond mere reproduction to achieve accurate rendering of even the most intricate and complex patterns or gradients.

1. Efficiency and Productivity

The print head facilitates faster printing speeds, reducing production time and ensuring a continuous workflow with minimal clogging or nozzle blockages. Also, it enhances the overall efficiency and productivity of the textile printing process.

4. Technological Advancements

Advancements in print head technology have revolutionized textile printing by enabling an expanded color gamut, resulting in vibrant and diverse designs. Qo'shimcha, it improves ink efficiency, reducing costs and waste in the printing process.

Epson i3200 vs. xp600

Print Head TypeEpson i3200 Epson xp600
Printing Technology PrecisionCore Heat-FreeMicroPiezo
Murakkab turiWater-based inkEco-solvent ink, UV ink
Maks. rangli siyohlar soni8 colors6 colors
Naycha soni32001080
Nozzle qatorlari8 qatorlar6 qatorlar
Ko‘krak o‘lchamlari300npi/row 600npi/2rows 1200npi/4rows180npi / row, 360dpi / 2 qatorlar
Samarali bosib chiqarish kengligi33.8 mm (1.33 dyuym)25.4 mm (1 dyuym)
O'lchamlari (W x D x H)69.1 x 59.5 x 36.7 mm84.9 x 57.2 x 42.6 mm
Og'irligi78g60 g

How to Clean Chop etish boshi?

1. Ensure the printer is powered on and ink cartridges are not empty.
2. Access the printer’s cleaning or maintenance functions through software or control panel.
3. If applicable, remove the print head following manufacturer instructions.
4. Prepare a lint-free cloth or coffee filter with distilled water or cleaning solution.
5. Gently wipe the print head surface and nozzles with the damp cloth.
6. Run the printer’s cleaning cycle as instructed.
7. Print a test page to check for print quality improvement.
8. Reinstall the print head if previously removed.
print head
Epson print head

How do I Know if I Need a New Print Head?

To determine if you need a new inkjet print head, consider the following indicators:
1. Print Quality Decline

If you notice a significant decline in print quality, such as streaks, lines, or faded colors that persist even after performing print head cleaning, it may be a sign of a damaged or clogged print head.

2. Irregular Ink Output

Uneven ink distribution, blotches, or splotches on printed documents could indicate a faulty print head. This can result in inconsistent or unpredictable printing results.

3. Nozzle Check Results

Many printers have a nozzle check function that allows you to assess the condition of the print head. Check the nozzle check pattern, typically accessible through the printer software. If the pattern is distorted or has missing lines, it suggests a faulty print head.

4. Age and Usage

Over time, inkjet print heads can wear out or become less effective due to age and extensive usage. If your printer is old or has been heavily used, it increases the likelihood of needing a new print head.

5. Professional Assessment

If you have tried cleaning the print head, aligning cartridges, and troubleshooting other possible issues but continue to experience persistent print quality problems, seeking a professional assessment or consultation from the printer manufacturer might be beneficial.