Sublimatsiya qog'ozi

Withstanding high heat, sublimation paper is used to transfer various textile colors or types. The paper from Xin Flying who is an experienced sublimation paper manufacturer is simple to pull off without destroying the pattern. Based on your preference, bespoke width, length, and weight are available for sale.



Sublimatsiya eritmasi


Sublimatsiya qog'ozi

sublimatsiya qog'ozi

Instant Dry Sublimation Paper

With waterproof and eco-friendly features, roll of sublimation paper can transfer your prints with bright colors and completeness. As a sublimation paper supplier, the size of paper rolls can be customized in bulk to fit your printer.




Asosiy xususiyatlar

Xinflying’s high quality wholesale bulk sublimation paper can assist in the precision, tezlik, and stability of your printers in maximums.

sublimatsiya qog'ozi

Cost-effective Options

Direct sourced from factory to elevate your profit. Various sizes & weights are compactible for your sublimation printer without hassle.
sublimation printing on fabric

High Transfer Rate

The graphics can dye and dry fast on the textile, making your production convenient with bright color.
sublimation paper rolls

Stable Quality

The craftstrives for perfection and careful control without easily damage for high stabilty and durablity.

Tafsilotlarda spetsifikatsiya

Rang Pure White
Default Weight & Hajmi 45g:150m/200m/250m/300m
Miqdori 100m/roll
Harorat 160-200°C
Transfer Rate Up to 99%
Drying Time 35-60g/㎡: 15-30s
35-60g/㎡: 60s
Fabric Application Cotton less than 40%
to'qimachilik bosib chiqarish

Keng formatli mato uchun ariza

Bo'yoq sublimatsiya printeri yumshoq to'qimachilik uchun juda mos keladi, yumshoq tabelalar kabi, uy bezagi, va boshqalar, bir nechta keng formatli matolarga qo'llanilishi mumkin, poliester kabi, kimyoviy tola, dan kam bo'lgan matolar 30% paxta.

Qiyinchiliksiz chop etishni boshlang

Sizning biznesingizni yo'lga qo'yishga yordam berish uchun sotishdan oldin sotishdan so'nggacha keng qamrovli xizmat.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Bepul demo & Namuna

Printerimizning sifati va ehtiyojlarini qondirish qobiliyatini ko'rsatish uchun, biz sizga bepul video namoyishi yoki bepul namunalarni yuboramiz $500, zaif qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, siyoh to'plami / bosma plyonka rulosi / bir kilogramm kukun.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Tez yetkazib berish

Hammaning buyurtmasini tezda qondirish uchun, biz Kaliforniyada chet elda ombor ochdik, AQSH. Bu nafaqat vaqt va kuchni tejaydi, balki transport to'lovlarini ham kamaytiradi. In-stok mahsulotlari ichida yetkazib berilishi mumkin 7 kunlar.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Texnik yordam

O'rnatish va ta'mirlash uchun etarli darajada ta'minlangan. Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab onlayn va uyma-uy xizmatlarni taklif qilamiz, shuningdek, qo'shimcha qo'llanmalar sifatida qo'llanmalar va video ko'rsatmalarni taqdim etamiz.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.

Hayotiy kafolat

Bizning markali siyohlarimiz yordamida barcha mahsulotlarga umrbod kafolatdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, bu bepul ehtiyot qismlarni kafolatlaydi & ta'mirlash, dasturiy ta'minot yangilanishlari, va texnik yordam 24/7.
sublimatsiya printeri & qog'oz

Can You Use Regular Ink on Sublimation Paper?

Yo'q, regular ink cannot be used on sublimation paper. Sublimation paper is specifically designed to work with sublimation ink, which is a specialized type of ink that is able to convert from a solid to a gas when exposed to high heat and pressure.

Regular ink is not formulated to undergo this sublimating process, and using regular ink on sublimation paper will not yield the desired results. It is important to use the correct ink and paper combination for successful sublimation printing.

Is Sublimation Paper the Same as Heat Transfer Paper?

Yo'q, sublimation paper and heat transfer paper are not the same.

Sublimation paper is used specifically for sublimation printing, where the ink turns into a gas and bonds with the substrate. Heat transfer paper, boshqa tarafdan, is used for different methods of heat transfer, such as using heat transfer vinyl or transfers that require a heat press.

Sublimation paper is coated with a special polymer that facilitates the sublimation process, while heat transfer paper has a different coating that allows for the transfer of ink or designs onto various materials using heat and pressure.

sublimation paper roll
Sublimatsiya printeri & qog'oz

Qanday qilib Foydalanish Sublimation Transfer Paper?

1. Design and print on sublimation transfer paper with sublimation ink.
2. Pre-press the substrate to remove any moisture or wrinkles.
3. Place the printed transfer paper face down on the substrate.
4. Use a heat press to apply heat and pressure.
5. Allow to cool and peel off the paper to reveal the transferred design.
6. Follow additional steps as needed, such as washing fabric or applying protective coatings.

FAQs On Sublimation Paper

1. What type of paper is sublimation paper?

Sublimation paper is a specially coated paper that is used in the sublimation printing process. It is designed to hold and transfer sublimation ink onto various substrates, primarily polyester fabrics.

2. What is sublimation paper used for?

Sublimation paper is used for transferring designs, naqshlar, or images onto polyester garments, to'qimachilik, and other sublimation-compatible items. It allows for the creation of vibrant and long-lasting prints with excellent color reproduction and clarity.

3. Is sublimation paper glossy or matte?

Sublimation paper for heat press is typically available in both glossy and matte finishes. The choice between glossy or matte depends on personal preference or specific requirements of the project.

4. What factors should be considered when selecting sublimation paper?
  1. Muvofiqlik: Ensure that the sublimation paper is compatible with your specific printer model and sublimation inks.
  2. Size and Thickness: Choose a paper size that fits your printer and the substrate you will be transferring onto. Consider the thickness of the paper, as it can impact the final print quality.
  3. Transfer Efficiency: Look for sublimation paper that offers high transfer efficiency, as this ensures maximum ink absorption and vibrant color reproduction.
  4. Drying Time: Consider the drying time of the paper, as it can affect the production rate and overall efficiency of your printing process.
5. Can sublimation paper be used on non-polyester fabrics, or is it limited to polyester substrates only?

Sublimation paper is primarily designed for use on polyester fabrics or polyester-coated substrates. The sublimation process relies on the ability of polyester fibers to react with the sublimation inks under heat and pressure, resulting in a permanent transfer. Non-polyester fabrics do not have the necessary chemical properties for sublimation transfer, so sublimation paper is generally limited to polyester substrates only.

Narx so'rash

    *Biz sizning maxfiyligingizni hurmat qilamiz va barcha ma'lumotlar himoyalangan.