Our Solutions
Different types of DTF film to meet your diverse printing needs
Choose the right DTF film for each project and achieve flawless print results effortlessly!
Discover reliable, high quality printing solutions trusted by customers worldwide.
The One Make You Satisfied with Action
Од 2009, Ксин Флиинг је одржив произвођач који снабдева ефикасне штампаче и врхунски потрошни материјал дистрибутерима и штампарским предузећима. Праћење духа купца и поштења као предности, наша мисија је да вас третирамо искреним речима и понудимо профитабилну вредност вашем пословању, остваривање вин-вин сарадње.
Са дугогодишњим искуством, наше консултације & технички тим је лако доступан да пружи свеобухватне савете, почевши од избора правог штампача до вођења вашег пословања како бисте остварили профит.
- Демо без проблема
- Онбоардинг Лако
- Доживотна гаранција
DTF Production Workshop
Discover our advanced DTF production process, where precision, innovation, and quality control combine to deliver exceptional prints with speed and efficiency.
Складиште у иностранству подиже ваше пословање
Прекоморско складиште садржи све залихе које су вам потребне, омогућавајући нам бржу испоруку у ваше руке у САД и оближњим земљама.
Вешти стручњаци су и даље доступни да вам помогну са свом потребном техничком подршком, укључујући обуку, уградњу и поправке. Ваше поруџбине могу бити испоручене истог дана када су послате. Не само да штедите време и труд, али и смањити трошкове транспорта.
- Брза достава
- Довољно снабдевање
- Штеде време & трошак
Upcoming Exhibitions
Discover Our Latest Printing Technology Worldwide!
Mar 4th to 7th, 2025 Shanghai, China Booth NO.: 4400
🗓 March, 17th to 20th, 2025
📍Sao Paulo
Booth NO.:914
🗓 April 23 до 25, 2025
📍Las Vegas, NV
Booth NO.: 3355
🗓 May6 to 9, 2025
📍Berlin, DE
Booth NO.: 5.2-D20
🗓 July 16 to 19th, 2025
📍Sao Paulo, Brasil
Booth NO.: CD230+D235
🗓 Oct 22 to 24th, 2025
📍Orlando, сад
Booth NO.: 4400
What types of machines do you offer?
We provide a wide range of printing and production machines, including DTF, ДТГ, сублимациони штампачи, embroidery machines, and laser engraving machines. All our equipment supports various applications and industries, ensuring you find the right solution for your business.
Do you offer consumables for your machines?
Да, we supply high-quality consumables, such as inks, films, powders, тканине, and other materials compatible with our machines. These ensure optimal performance and long lasting prints.
What kind of after-sales support do you provide?
Our team of experienced engineers offers remote technical support, live troubleshooting, and guidance on maintenance. Додатно, we provide training for machine operation to ensure seamless integration into your workflow.
How can I ensure my investment is secure?
We offer secure payment methods through verified platforms, including options like escrow services. Plus, our products come with warranties and reliable customer service for peace of mind.
Can your machines handle high-volume production?
Да, our machines are designed for scalability. Whether you’re handling small custom orders or large-scale production, our solutions cater to varying business sizes and printing needs.
Do you assist with shipping and installation?
We provide global shipping with options for door-to-door delivery or local warehouse pickup. For installation, we offer step-by-step guides, remote support, and video tutorials to ensure smooth setup.
What industries can benefit from your solutions?
Our machines are versatile and cater to industries like fashion, промотивни производи, персонализовани поклони, сигнаге, and industrial production. From startups to established enterprises, we support businesses at every stage.
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.